Growing Rogue
by admin on May 06, 2011
With continued growth in production, our tiny factory is bursting at the seams. For this we are not complaining, but needing to increase our space and purchase better machinery. I have finally sold a couple of antique machines that I had been hoping to rebuild for a few years. This has provided a small amount of capital that I am using to purchase a small state of the art conche, and to relocate the company to a new facility. This move will allow us space to install several innovative machines that I have been hoping to build for a few years. The end goal is not just to increase production, but to improve quality and allow us to better meet the demand for our chocolate buyers. Right now we are in a state of constant back order, so a requirement of the business is to make sure we are able to keep our stores stocked with chocolate. In doing this, our attention to detail and our obsession with quality will not falter. In fact, with these new machines, I will be able to apply all that I have learned so far to make better, more delicious chocolate. To all of you who have supported Rogue Chocolatier I give my sincere appreciation. Without your continued support we would not be moving forward into this new chapter.
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